VA Disability Claims List

VA disability benefits, or VA disability compensation, are paid to veterans who got sick or injured as the result of their military service. VA disability compensation is also available to veterans who entered service with a pre-existing condition that was made worse by military service. Importantly, VA disability benefits are tax-free.

  • In order to be eligible for VA disability benefits, the veteran must:
  • Have a current illness or injury that affects the mind or body; AND,
  • Have served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.
  • Additionally, one of the following must be true:
  • The veteran was sick or injured while serving in the military, and can link their condition to service, OR
  • The veteran had a condition prior to joining the military, and their service aggravated the condition, OR
  • The veteran has a condition which can be linked to service but did not appear until after their service had ended

Veterans, and in some cases their qualified dependents, can receive VA disability compensation.

  • To file a claim for VA disability benefits, the veteran will usually need to submit proof of three things:
  • A current diagnosis of a condition for which VA grants benefits;
  • An in-service event or stressor which caused or contributed to the veteran’s condition; and,
  • A medical nexus indicating the link between the veteran’s service and their condition.

Veterans can submit a claim using VA Form 21-526EZ. The form has sections to provide the veteran’s identifying details, claim information, service information, and more. The claim can be submitted to VA in a few ways:

  • Online – using VA’s eBenefits platform
  • By mail – directed to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Evidence Intake Center, PO Box 4444 in Janesville, WI 53547-4444
  • In person – bringing a completed VA Form 21-526EZ to a VA Regional Office near you
  • With a legal representative – completing the form with a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) or a VA accredited agent or attorney
  • Claims take approximately 4 months to process and close. You will receive a VA award letter approximately 30 days after your claims close. The VA award letter will detail approved claims, service connections, and disability percentages. The VA award letter will list start date of payments (if applicable).a

Comprehensive VA Disability Claims List: What Conditions Can You File For?

Currently, there are approximately 6 million veterans and survivors receiving VA compensation benefits or service-connected death benefits. Below is a VA disability claims list of conditions which veterans can be service connected for:

  • Amputation of digits of the hand, (ranging from five digits to one digit)
  • Amputation of finger (different ratings given for specific fingers)
  • Amputation of forearm
  • Amputation of the arm
  • Amputation of the leg
  • Amputation of the thigh
  • Amputation of toe(s)
  • Anatomical loss of both feet
  • Anatomical loss of both hands
  • Anatomical loss of one foot and loss of use of one hand
  • Anatomical loss of one hand and loss of use of one foot
  • Anatomical loss of one hand and one foot
  • Ankle replacement (prosthesis)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Ankylosis of digits of the hand (favorable, unfavorable, specific digits and number of digits affected)
  • Ankylosis of scapulohumeral articulation
  • Ankylosis of subastragalar or tarsal joint
  • Ankylosis of the ankle
  • Ankylosis of the hip
  • Ankylosis of the knee
  • Ankylosis of the wrist
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Gonorrheal arthritis
  • Pneumococcic arthritis
  • Typhoid arthritis
  • Streptococcic arthritis
  • Post-traumatic arthritis
  • Arthropathy
  • Benign neoplasm of the bones
  • Bursitis
  • Claw Foot
  • Decompression illness
  • Degenerative arthritis, degenerative disc disease
  • Dislocated semilunar cartilage
  • Elbow replacement (prosthesis)
  • Fibromyalgia, fibrositis, primary fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Flail joint in hip
  • Flatfoot
  • Genu recurvatum
  • Gout
  • Hallux rigidus
  • Hallux valgus
  • Hammer toe
  • Heterotopic ossification
  • Hip resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis)
  • Impairment of supination and pronation
  • Impairment of the clavicle or scapula
  • Impairment of the femur
  • Impairment of the humerus
  • Impairment of the knee
  • Impairment of the radius
  • Impairment of the thigh
  • Impairment of the tibia and fibula
  • Impairment of the ulna
  • Intervertebral disc syndrome
  • Knee resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis)
  • Limitation of both flexion and extension of the forearm
  • Limitation of extension of the forearm
  • Limitation of extension of the leg
  • Limitation of extension of the thigh
  • Limitation of flexion of the forearm
  • Limitation of flexion of the leg
  • Limitation of flexion of the thigh
  • Limitation of motion of individual digits
  • Limitation of motion of the arm
  • Limitation of motion of the wrist
  • Limited motion of the ankle
  • Loss of part of the skull
  • Loss of use of both feet
  • Loss of use of both hands
  • Loss of use of one hand and one foot
  • Loss of use of the foot
  • Lumbosacral or cervical strain
  • Malignant neoplasm of the bones
  • Malunion of os calcis or astragalus
  • Malunion or non-union of tarsal or metatarsal bones
  • Metatarsalgia (Morton’s Disease)
  • Myositis
  • Non-specified foot injuries
  • Nonunion of the radius and ulna
  • Osteomalacia
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ostetitis deformans
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Removal of semilunar cartilage
  • Removal of the coccyx
  • Removal of the ribs
  • Sacroiliac injury and weakness
  • Shortening of bones of the lower extremity
  • Shoulder replacement (prosthesis)
  • Spinal fusion
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis or segmental instability
  • Tenosynovitis, tendinitis, tendinosis, or tendinopathy
  • Traumatic paralysis, paraplegia, quadriplegia
  • Tuberculosis of bones and joints
  • Vertebral fracture of dislocation
  • Weak foot
  • Wrist replacement (prosthesis)
  • Anatomical loss of both eyes

  • Anatomical loss of one eye

  • Angle-closure glaucoma

  • Aphakia or dislocation of crystalline lens

  • Benign neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa

  • Cataract

  • Chronic conjunctivitis (nontrachomatous)

  • Concentric contraction of visual field

  • Detachment of retina

  • Diabetic retinopathy

  • Diplopia (double vision)

  • Disorders of the lacrimal apparatus

  • Ectropion

  • Entropion

  • Intraocular hemorrhage

  • Keratoconus

  • Keratopathy

  • Lagophthalmos

  • Loss of eyebrows

  • Loss of eyelashes

  • Loss of eyelids, partial or complete

  • Loss of inferior half of visual field

  • Loss of nasal half of visual field

  • Loss of superior half of visual field

  • Loss of temporal half of visual field

  • Malignant neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa

  • No more than light perception in both eyes

  • No more than light perception in one eye

  • Nystagmus

  • Open-angle glaucoma

  • Optic neuropathy

  • Paralysis of accommodation (due to neuropathy of the Oculomotor Nerve)

  • Pinguecula

  • Post-chiasmal disorders

  • Pterygium

  • Ptosis

  • Retinal dystrophy

  • Retinal scars, atrophy, or irregularities

  • Retinopathy or maculopathy

  • Scleritis

  • Scotoma

  • Status post corneal transplant

  • Symblepharon

  • Trachomatous conjunctivitis

  • Tuberculosis of eye

  • Unhealed eye injury

  • Vision in one eye 10/200 (3/60)

  • Vision in one eye 15/200 (4.5/60)

  • Vision in one eye 20/100 (6/30)

  • Vision in one eye 20/200 (6/60)

  • Vision in one eye 20/40 (6/12)

  • Vision in one eye 20/50 (6/15)

  • Vision in one eye 20/70 (6/21)

  • Vision in one eye 5/200 (1.5/60)

  • Visual acuity in one eye 10/200 (3/60) or better

  • Visual field defects

  • Benign neoplasms of the ear

  • Chronic nonsuppurative otitis media with effusion (serous otitis media)

  • Chronic otitis externa

  • Chronic suppurative ostis media, mastoiditis, or cholesteatoma

  • Loss of auricle

  • Malignant neoplasm of the ear

  • Meniere’s syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops)

  • Otosclerosis

  • Perforation of Tympanic membrane

  • Peripheral vestibular disorders

  • Tinnitus

  • Avitaminosis

  • Bartonellosis

  • Beriberi

  • Brucellosis

  • Campylobacter jejuni infection

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

  • Coxiella burnetii infection (Q fever)

  • Hemorrhagic fevers, including dengue, yellow fever, and others

  • HIV-Related Illness

  • Hyperinfection syndrome or disseminated strongyloidiasis

  • Leprosy

  • Lupus erythematosus, systemic (disseminated)

  • Lyme Disease

  • Lymphatic filariasis

  • Malaria

  • Melioidosis

  • Nontuberculosis mycobacterium infection

  • Nontyphoid salmonella infections

  • Parasitic diseases otherwise not specified

  • Pellagra

  • Plague

  • Relapsing Fever

  • Rheumatic fever:

  • Rickettsial, ehrlichia, and anaplasma infections:

  • Schistosomiasis

  • Shigella infections

  • Syphilis, and other treponemal infections:

  • Tuberculosis, miliary

  • Vibriosis (Cholera, Non-cholera)

  • Visceral leishmaniasis

  • West Nile virus infection


Allergic or vasomotor rhinitis




Asthma, bronchial:

Bacterial rhinitis



Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic lung abscess

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:

Chronic pleural effusion or fibrosis



Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis

Deviation of the nasal septum

Diaphragm paralysis or paresis

Diffuse interstitial fibrosis (interstitial pneumonitis, fibrosing alveolitis)

Drug-induced pulmonary pneumonitis and fibrosis

Emphysema, pulmonary:

Eosinophilic granuloma of lung

Granulomatous rhinitis:

Histoplasmosis of lung

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis)

Kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum


Laryngitis, chronic:

Laryngitis, tuberculous, active or inactive.

Loss of part of the nose, or scars


Neoplasms of any specified part of respiratory system


Pharynx injury

Pleurisy, tuberculous,

Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, anthracosis, etc.)

Post-surgical residual (lobectomy, pneumonectomy, etc.).

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.

Pulmonary Vascular Disease

Radiation-induced pulmonary pneumonitis and fibrosis



Chronic pansinusitis

Chronis ethmoid sinusitis

Chronic frontal sinusitis

Chronic maxillary sinusitis

Chronic sphenoid sinusitis

Sleep Apnea Syndromes (Obstructive, Central, Mixed)

Spinal cord injury with respiratory insufficiency

Stenosis of the larynx with residuals of laryngeal trauma

Traumatic chest wall defect, pneumothorax, hernia, etc.


  • Aneurysm, any large artery
  • Aneurysm, any small artery:
  • Angioneurotic edema
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Arteriosclerosis obliterans
  • Arteriosclerotic heart disease (Coronary artery disease)
  • Arteriovenous fistula, traumatic
  • Atrioventricular block
  • Cardiac transplantation
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cold injury residuals
  • Coronary bypass surgery
  • Endocarditis
  • Erythromelalgia
  • Heart valve replacement (prosthesis)
  • Hypertensive heart disease
  • Hypertensive vascular disease (hypertension and isolated systolic hypertension)
  • Hyperthyroid heart disease
  • Implantable cardiac pacemakers
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Pericardial adhesions
  • Pericarditis
  • Post-phlebitic syndrome of any etiology
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Soft tissue sarcoma (of vascular origin)
  • Supraventricular arrhythmias
  • Syphilitic heart disease
  • Thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Buerger’s Disease)
  • Valvular heart disease
  • Varicose veins
  • Ventricular arrhythmias (sustained
  • Adhesions of Peritoneum
  • Amebiasis
  • Ano, fistula in
  • Benign neoplasms, exclusive of skin growths
  • Cholangitis, chronic
  • Cholecystitis, chronic
  • Cholelithiasis, chronic
  • Chronic liver disease without cirrhosis (including hepatitis B, chronic
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, or cirrhotic phase
  • Colitis, ulcerative
  • Distomiasis, intestinal or hepatic:
  • Duodenal
  • Dysentery, bacillary
  • Enteritis, chronic
  • Enterocolitis, chronic
  • Esophagus, diverticulum of, acquired
  • Gastral
  • Gastritis, hypertrophic (identified by gastroscope)
  • Hemorrhoids, external or internal:
  • Hepatitis C (or non-A, non-B hepatitis)
  • Hernia hiatal
  • Hernia, femoral.
  • Hernia, inguinal:
  • Hernia, ventral, postoperative:
  • Injuries of mouth
  • Injuries of the lips
  • Injury of gall bladder
  • Injury of stomach, residuals
  • Intestine, fistula of, persistent, or after attempt at operative closure:
  • Intestine, large, resection of:
  • Intestine, small, resection of:
  • Irritable colon syndrome (spastic colitis, mucous colitis, etc.)
  • Liver transplant
  • Loss of whole or part of tongue
  • Malignant neoplasms of the digestive system, exclusive of skin growths
  • Pancreatitis
  • Peritonitis, tuberculous, active or inactive:
  • Pnuritus ani.
  • Postgastrectomy syndromes
  • Rectum and anus, impairment of sphincter control:
  • Rectum and anus, stricture of:
  • Rectum, prolapse of
  • Removal of gall bladder
  • Residuals of injury of the liver
  • Spasm of esophagus (cardiospasm)
  • Stenosis of stomach
  • Stricture of esophagus
  • Ulcer
  • Gastral
  • Duodenal
  • Ulcer, marginal (gastrojejunal)
  • Vagotomy with pyloroplasty or gastroenterostomy:
  • Visceroptosis, symptomatic, marked
  • Atherosclerotic renal disease (renal artery stenosis or atheroembolic renal disease)
  • Benign neoplasms of the genitourinary system
  • Bladder, calculus in
  • Bladder, fistula of
  • Bladder, injury of
  • Chronic renal disease requiring regular dialysis
  • Cystic diseases of the kidneys (polycystic disease, uremic medullary cystic disease, Medullary sponge kidney, and similar conditions)
  • Cystitis, chronic
  • Epididymo-orchitis, chronic only
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Interstitial nephritis
  • Kidney transplant
  • Kidney, abscess of
  • Kidney, removal of one
  • Kidney, tuberculosis of
  • Malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system
  • Nephritis, chronic
  • Nephrolithiasis
  • Nephrosclerosis, arteriolar
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Papillary necrosis
  • Penis, deformity, with loss of erectile power
  • Penis, removal of glans
  • Penis, removal of half or more
  • Postoperative, superapubic cystotomy
  • Prostate gland injuries, infections, hypertrophy, post-operative residuals
  • Pyelonephritis, chronic
  • Renal amyloid disease
  • Renal dysfunction
  • Renal tubular disorders (such as renal glycosurias, aminoacidurias, renal tubular acidosis, Fanconi’s syndrome, Bartter’s syndrome, related disorders of Henle’s loop and proximal or distal nephron function, etc.)
  • Testis, atrophy complete
  • Testis, removal
  • Toxic nephropathy (antibotics, radiocontrast agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, heavy metals, and similar agents)
  • Ureter, stricture of
  • Ureterolithiasis
  • Urethra, fistula of
  • Urethra, stricture of
  • Acquired hemolytic anemia
  • Adenitis, tuberculous
  • Agranulocytosis
  • AL amyloidosis (primary amyloidosis)
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia)
  • Essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis
  • Folic acid deficiency
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Immune thrombocytopenia
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Leukemia
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Pernicious anemia and Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
  • Polycythemia vera
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Solitary plasmacytoma
  • Spleen, injury of, healed
  • Splenectomy
  • Acne
  • Alopecia areata
  • American (New World) leishmaniasis (mucocutaneous, espundia)
  • Benign skin neoplasms
  • Bullous disorders
  • Burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck
  • Burn scar(s) or scar(s) due to other causes, not of the head, face, or neck, that are associated with underlying soft tissue damage
  • Chloracne
  • Chronic urticaria
  • Cutaneous manifestations of collagen-vascular diseases
  • Dermatitis or eczema
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus or subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
  • Diseases of keratinization (including icthyoses, Darier’s disease, and palmoplantar keratoderma)
  • Erythema multiforme; Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Erythroderma
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Infections of the skin
  • Malignant melanoma
  • Malignant skin neoplasms
  • Old World leishmaniasis (cutaneous, Oriental sore)
  • Papulosquamous disorders
  • Psoriasis
  • Scar(s), unstable or painful
  • Scarring alopecia
  • Tuberculosis luposa (lupus vulgaris), active or inactive
  • Vasculitis, primary cutaneous
  • Vitiligo
  • Acromegaly
  • Addison’s disease (adrenocortical insufficiency)
  • C-cell hyperplasia of the thyroid
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Diabetes insipidus
  • Diabetes mellitus:
  • Hyperaldosteronism (benign or malignant)
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Hyperpituitarism (prolactin secreting pituitary dysfunction)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Neoplasm, benign, any specified part of the endocrine system
  • Neoplasm, malignant, any specified part of the endocrine system
  • Pheochromocytoma (benign or malignant)
  • Polyglandular syndrome (multiple endocrine neoplasia, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome)
  • Thyroid enlargement, nontoxic
  • Thyroid enlargement, toxic
  • Thyroiditis
  • Thyroiditis
  • Paralysis agitans
  • Bulbar palsy
  • Brain, vessels, embolism of
  • Brain, vessels, thrombosis of
  • Brain, vessels, hemorrhage from
  • Myelitis
  • Minimum rating
  • Poliomyelitis, anterior
  • Hematomyelia
  • Syphilis, cerebrospinal
  • Syphilis, meningovascular
  • Tabes dorsalis
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Meningitis, cerebrospinal, epidemic
  • Brain, abscess of
  • Spinal cord, new growths of
  • Progressive muscular atrophy
  • Syringomyelia
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Residuals of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Cerebral arteriosclerosis
  • Migraine
  • Tic, convulsive
  • Paramyoclonus multiplex (convulsive state, myoclonic type)
  • Chorea, Sydenham’s
  • Chorea, Huntington’s
  • Athetosis, acquired
  • Narcolepsy
  • Paralysis, neuritis, or neuralgia of cranial nerves
  • Paralysis, neuritis, or neuralgia of peripheral nerves
  • Epilepsy, grand mal
  • Epilepsy, petit mal
  • Epilepsy, Jacksonian and focal motor or sensory
  • Epilepsy, diencephalic
  • Epilepsy, psychomotor
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Anxiety disorder, not otherwise specified
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Chronic adjustment disorder
  • Conversion disorder
  • Cyclothymic disorder
  • Delirium
  • Delusional disorder
  • Dementia due to head trauma
  • Dementia due to infection (HIV infection, syphilis, or other systemic or intracranial infections)
  • Dementia due to other neurologic or general medical conditions (endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, Pick’s disease, brain tumors, etc.) or that are substance-induced (drugs, alcohol, poisons)
  • Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type
  • Dementia of unknown etiology
  • Depersonalization disorder
  • Dissociative amnesia; dissociative fugue; dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)
  • Dysthymic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Hypochondriasis
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Mood disorder, not otherwise specified
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Organic mental disorder, other (including personality change due to a general medical condition)
  • Other and unspecified neurosis
  • Pain disorder
  • Panic disorder and/or agoraphobia
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Psychotic disorder, not otherwise specified (atypical psychosis)
  • Schizoaffective disorder
  • Schizophrenia, catatonic type
  • Schizophrenia, disorganized type
  • Schizophrenia, paranoid type
  • Schizophrenia, residual type; other and unspecified types
  • Schizophrenia, undifferentiated type
  • Somatization disorder
  • Specific (simple) phobia; social phobia
  • Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
  • Vascular dementia
  • Condyloid process, loss of, one or both sides
  • Coronoid process, loss of
  • Hard palate, loss of
  • Mandible, loss of, complete, between angles
  • Mandible, loss of, including ramus, unilaterally or bilaterally
  • Mandible, malunion of
  • Mandible, nonunion of, confirmed by diagnostic imaging studies
  • Maxilla or mandible, chronic osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis or osteoradionecrosis
  • Maxilla, loss of half or less
  • Maxilla, loss of more than half
  • Maxilla, malunion or nonunion of
  • Neoplasm, hard and soft tissue, benign
  • Neoplasm, hard and soft tissue, malignant
  • Teeth, loss of, due to loss of substance of body of maxilla or mandible without loss of continuity:
  • Temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
  • Locations On or After August 2, 1990
  1. Bahrain

  2. Iraq

  3. Kuwait

  4. Oman

  5. Qatar

  6. Saudia Arabia

  7. Somalia

  8. The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

  9. The Airspace above any of these locations

  • Locations On or After September 11, 2001

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Djibouti

  3. Egypt

  4. Jordan

  5. Lebanon

  6. Syria

  7. Uzbekistan

  8. Yemen

  9. The Airspace above any of these locations

These cancers are now presumptive

  • Brain Cancer

  • Gastrointestinal cancer of any type

  • Glioblastoma

  • Head cancer of any type

  • Kidney cancer

  • Lympatic Cancer of any type

  • Lymphoma of any type

  • Melanoma

  • Neck cancer

  • Reproductive cancer of any type

  • Respiratory cancer of any type

These illnesses are now presumptive

  • Asthma that was diagnosed after service

  • Chronic bronchitis

  • COPD

  • Chronic rhinitis

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Constrictive bronchiolitis or obliterative bronchiolitis

  • Emphysema

  • Granulomatous disease

  • Interstitial lung disease

  • Pleeuritis

  • Pulmonary fibrosis

  • Sarcoidosis